Family World Travel

15 reasons why you should set out on a long trip with your kids.

15 reasons why you should set out on a long journey with your kids

When I worked on my ebook “How to travel the world for a year on 1400$ a month” I never even considered that I’ll have to explain why it pays off to go on a trip like this. I’ve been doing it for so long and it’s always been clear to me why. But after a while, I’ve begun to understand that maybe it’s not so clear to everyone. And that maybe there are people that want to go very much but can’t make up their minds. And I started posting amusing Facebook statuses (“cause it’s the best, most comfortable way to get back to your bikinis”… for example) and i talked about it with some friends and with anyone that contacted me personally by email for consultation until I reached the conclusion that there’s no escaping it. I need to write something serious. So here it is, and it’s really just the tip of the ice..

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