How to travel with kids

5 simple steps: what to do to not lose you baggage and what to do if it already happened

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There isn’t a time when going on a flight and the thought doesn’t come up. The fear you’ll arrive safely but your bags won’t be there on the conveyor belt, is one of the more popular fears, it seems, for any flyer.

So what can you do to prevent it?

First of all it’s important to understand: the tags they stick on your bags are like their flight tickets. On every sticker and ribbon there’s a barcode. A computer reads the barcode and directs it, through all the conveyors, to the correct container, the one that will eventually board your plane.

That’s why it’s important to:

1. Remove all the stickers and ribbons they put on your bags in previous flights.
2. Keep the receipts the stewardess sticks to your passport/boarding pass. If you do lose your bags, those receipts will help identify and locate them.

And what more:

1. Make sure all your bags have your contact details.
2. on every bag and suitcase put a special marker unique to you, so that if another passenger has the same bag/suitcase (and you’ll be surprised how often that happens) that marker will prevent confusion.
3. Before you check-in your bags, put a ‘fragile’ sticker on them. Baggage with that sticker usually get treated more carefully, sometimes by hand, and usually get to baggage claim first.4. And of course the safest way is to pack as light as possible, take a small trolley and board the plane with it.

What to do if one of your bags simply isn’t on the baggage conveyor?

1. Go to the ground stewardess representing the company you flew with. They’re usually around the conveyor.
2. If there isn’t one- go to the lost-and-found counter of the company you few with
3. Check in the receipts you got which bag/suitcase is missing and give all the details at the counter.
4. Very important: always make sure your insurance covers cases of lost baggage, damaged baggage or property and theft of its contents. Don’t be satisfied with just “yes, we cover that”, demand to know the costs and compensations for cases or damages of that type.
5. Contact your insurance provider and ask for their involvement. That way you know the case will be set right quickly and continue on your vacation with a clear head.

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