
How to Travel the World with Kids for $1,400 a Month (Or Less)

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Have you ever thought of just waking up one morning and embarking on a journey around the world with your family? The thought alone is scary right? Yeah… especially when you think of the associated costs and expenses.

Maybe we cannot all see the world, marvel at its expanse, experience the inherent beauties of different cultures, and taste of varying local cuisines on offer in each location. Maybe we definitely have to have a very fat bank balance to even have this kind of awesome and world-conquering thoughts… well, maybe not!

Maybe anyone, and everyone, with the right frame of mind – after the removal of excuses and doubts, and with proper planning, can travel around the world on a strict budget without compromising on values, qualities, and fun.

If you have always wanted to travel around the world with your family without having to break the bank, then I can confidently tell you that your long-term family dream is about to come true. I can tell you firsthand that nothing compares to exploring other cultures, meeting new people, and seeing what the world looks like on the other side, especially with your family. What more? It is not as hard or as costly as you may think.

In fact, for just $4.50, you will be learning firsthand how to travel around the world with kids for just $1,400 a month, wait for it… or less! You are just a click away. Order for my budget travel e-book now!

When you purchase this e-book, you will learn about:

• Traveling styles and practical tools
• Things to avoid in order to travel largely and cheaply
• How to manage money during your trip
• The art of traveling slowly to save costs
• My one year route in eight countries
• A succinct breakdown of all essential expenses
• Insurance details and how to get the best cover.

Are you ready to conquer the world without fear of running out of money or blowing a hole into your bank balance? Then what are you waiting for?! Order for my budget travel e-book now, for just $4.50, and save a whole lot more on your travels.

About The Author

I am Haleli, a single mother who has been traveling fulltime in Southeast Asia for the last seven years with three kids. I am a published writer (with articles in most of the biggest newspapers and websites in Hebrew), a blogger, and a travel consultant.

In the course of being a travel consultant, I have come across numerous families who have always believed that their travel dreams of seeing the whole world on a budget cannot be achieved. I have learnt of their fears and struggles, and having been on the world trail with my three kids for up to seven years, I felt it was necessary to put my expertise and experience out there, and also convince those with the desire to embark on a journey around the world that it can be easy and inexpensive.

I decided that every family deserves to travel around the world without restraints, hence, I wrote “How to Travel the World with Kids for $1,400 a Month (Or Less)” as a guide and tool to make achieving every family’s travel dreams easier and possible.

download the eBook here


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